The Cyclone known as Teenage Life

Warda Ahsan
2 min readDec 29, 2020


Going through teenage life isn’t easy. Imagine being on a roller coaster that is going on 110/km per hour with no seatbelts on. Feelings such as; insecurity, rebelliousness, loneliness, frustration, depression, optimism, and a vast array of other emotions are part of their everyday lives.

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As we are growing both physically and emotionally, our body takes time to adjust and adapt. One of the main reasons for feeling emotionally unstable is due to ‘hormonal imbalance’. Hormones play a vital role, as it informs our body how to react in a particular situation, for example, when we feel misunderstood, we usually have the urge to correct ourselves. A teenage body face complications as its hormones fluctuate, which results in an extreme reaction.

Teenagers often have that dramatic moment where they feel as if everything is over, they have to constantly cope with guilt and regret because they cannot control their anger and frustration, they feel less connected with everyone because they think no one understands them, they cannot control their thoughts and make every situation worse than it is. They feel bored all the time and cannot pay attention in class, and sometimes they even have eating and sleeping disorder.

We often wish for going through our lives like Sleeping Beauty rather than struggle like Maleficent, but I ask you where’s the fun in that? Each of us wants to give up at one point in our lives, we feel tired to our bones and want to hide under the cover. We are slaves to our emotions. Most teenagers believe that there are only two types of people in the world, one who does not keep anything inside themselves, and one who keeps everything bottled up and creates a monster, both of them are dangerous either for others or for themselves. We have to find the balance between them, if we want to achieve success and happiness

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Well here is some advice for those victims, and advice is all I can give you because no one can fight your battles for you. First of all, try to find solutions to every problem instead of mourning over them which leads you nowhere. Stop stressing over things that are not in your hands, find something that helps showcase your emotions as a hobby, such as writing, sketching, or playing instrumentals, and try to balance your life.



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