Labelling; good or bad?

Warda Ahsan
2 min readJan 1, 2021


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Why do people put a label on everything? Well, humans do it to summarise and categorize things to differentiate them from other stuff. It’s like putting everything in boxes to organize our thoughts; for example, when you see someone, you think of them as an outcast or classy or genuine.

Labelling is used in marketing, schools, politics, hospitals, and society. People like singers and doctors use their profession as an identity, brands use labels for promotion and marketing purposes, medical centres use it based on the patient’s conditions and treatment, and government uses it to define their system.

Labelling can be effective if used in a constructive manner; it helps in standardization, communication, systemization, and productivity. However, if it is used destructively; stereotypes, resentment, instability, and radicalism takes root.

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In conclusion, I don’t think we can labialize labelling as good or bad; it is simply a method of characterizing an entity and not a medium of destruction. However, if used in a negative approach, it can very well lead to that.



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